Westchase Medspa Groupon Specials Frequently Asked Questions
Who can buy a Groupon to Westchase Medspa?
Groupons are for new clients only. If you’ve previously had any service or purchased any products at Westchase Medspa you cannot use these discounts. Please contact Groupon for a refund if you’ve already purchased a Groupon and you’re not a new client, they usually process refunds in 2-4 business days.
Will Westchase Medspa price match Groupon?
$99 for six laser hair-removal treatments on a small area
$199 for six laser hair-removal treatments on a medium area
$265 for six laser hair-removal treatments on a large area
$325 for six laser hair-removal treatments on a Extra large area
This special consideration is limited to one per client only.
The Westchase Medspa Groupon Price Match is $179 for 20 Units of Botox and is limited to one per client only.
Can I buy multiple Groupons or Groupons for multiple services
Only 1 Groupon per person and for new clients only.
Can I use the Botox Groupon for multiple areas?
No. Botox Groupons are eligible for only one area.
Which areas can I use the Botox Groupon on?
Choose 1: Glabella, Forehead, or Crow’s Feet. You can also purchase additional units at the office if more are needed at a special first treatment price.
I am not sure what service I need. Which Groupon should I buy?
If you’re not sure what service you need, please schedule a free consultation and we will honor the Groupon prices in the office.